Saturday, March 2, 2013


Well today I tried my first Spin class. I had heard a few people comment on how great they are over the last few years but really had no idea what they were about - well apart from being on a bike.. The bikes are a little weird but fairly easy to work out and the little handle to change the gears only needed a light touch - however it was a little unsure if it wanted to be on 13 or 18 and kept swapping between the two.

It was a fairly simple class - the trainer just yelled out what level for the gears and what the RPMs should be and occasionally told us to stand up and sit down.

Apparently part of the class is that its in a dark room with fluro lighting - so the whites on everyones clothes / shoes / towels etc glowed brightly. It was a bit offputting to me.

The class was 45 mins and I was there about 5 mins before to warm up = 50 mins cycling.

Walking out the Body Pump class was on in the studio next door so I stood at the door watching for a little while. I think this is going to be class I like the most as it uses weights. They had a bar each and were doing back squats when I was watching. They also had a step and some more weights. Going to try this one tomorrow.

I went downstairs and decided to do a lap of the weights circuit that they have down there. There was a guy doing it already so I worked in with what he was doing - 5 reps of each machine. I think there was 10 machines. = 30 mins.

Yesterday I did the Body Attack class which was an hour running around the studio, stepping right and kicking then stepping left and kicking, running towards the front of the room then hopping backwards. It was ok but a little easy and lightweight. = 60 mins

Thursday was my first day there and I did the CXworx class which is all about abs. We used a plastic tube and a couple of plate weights. This one was a short class of 30 mins so I went downstairs and did another 45 mins on the bikes, treadmill and stepper.